Why are we in business
Invite to progress.
Our concept at Sofo Consulting is to bring together the best characters and brains to deliver on our clients needs. Every client is different, every situation is different. We apply world class models to help you get better outcomes.
What about exploring opportunities with us?

How do we conduct business
Every day, each of us, has opportunities to learn and to improve. Every day, we encounter people with different perspectives and mindset. They can help us growing. Humility is an attitude allowing us to question and challenge ourself and to be open and benevolent in our relations with the others. We do our best to be humble while conducting business.
We are very serious and focussed in what we are doing. When required we are quick to put the fish on the table! At the same time, we want to work in a constructive, relaxed and fun atmosphere allowing change to be fast and sustainable. We want to make fun of ourselves and to make fun of others, and this, with a great deal of benevolence. We do our best to use humour while conducting business.
Our business is about people. We are in P2P (people to people business). We recognise and appreciate the uniqueness of each and every person. We enjoy supporting people to become better at what they do. We enjoy to help people find the right place and environment for them to unfold their talents. We do our best to display humanity while conducting business.